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Nasal obstruction, often referred to as nasal congestion or "stuffiness", is a very common problem. It is usually due to a combination of factors, such as a deviated nasal septum, enlarged inferior turbinates, and inflamation of the lining of the nose (such as from nasal allergies). When medications fail to improve nasal breathing, surgery becomes an option. Surgery is tailored to the specific anatomic problem, which can be challenging.

Nasal Obstruction: Products


Septal deformities include both septal deviations (or deflections) and septal spurs. These malformations may be present from birth, or they may be the result of trauma to the nose. Septoplasty is a surgical procedure designed to return the septum to a more midline position.



The inferior turbinates are normal structures that serve an important function. They humidify and warm air as it enters the nose and makes its way to the lungs. Enlarged inferior turbinates can contribute to nasal obstruction. Inferior turbinate reduction surgery can be performed in a variety of ways, with very high success rates.

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